Wamepatanishwa. The Chinese And African Fighting On A Video Trending Online Have now been Reconciliated.
A video of two construction site workers fighting has been trending for the past 1 week now, The two, a Chinese and an African engaged in a very hot battle that led the video to trend. The black man was taking the register when the Chinese intervened and slapped him. The black man retaliated and the Chinese went for a weapon( metal). Kenyans have been making fun out of the video with many even resharing it on TikTok.
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Chinese Vs Kenyan
The video is not yet verified whether it was recorded here in Kenya or any of the West African countries. The black man’s English accent does no match Kenyans. There have been claims that the video is from the Kalemenu Dam construction site. The two have now been reunited and reconciled. There has been a photo of the two in the office shaking hands which is a sign of peace.
Photo source Facebook