Edgar Obare Arrested -Xtian Dela Confirms.


Blogger and social influencer Edgar Obare has been arrested. At Kiambu Law Courts Edgar Obare was arrested and his phone confiscated.  According to Xtian Dela police arrested Edgar Obare but they didn’t explain why. The whereabouts of Edar is still unknown. Obare was heading to case  hearing against Natalie Tewa. Obare was arrested and allaigned in court. This came after allegedly revealing and linking Natalie Tewa to Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho. The controversial Blogger has been exposing celebrities online. A good example is Dj Moh whom he exposed last month. The exposure almost scattered Dj Mo’s Family.  Many Kenyans have been unhappy with how he has been revealing people’s personal lives.  It Yet un-clear where the police took him 


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