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kenyan vs chinese

Wamepatanishwa. The Chinese And African Fighting On A Video Trending Online Have now been Reconciliated.

A video of two construction site workers fighting has been trending for the past 1 week now, The two, a Chinese and an African engaged in a very hot battle that led the video to trend. The black man was taking the register when the Chinese intervened and slapped him. The black man retaliated and the Chinese went for a weapon( metal)

Hellen Muthoni Boyfriend

What Am I Doing Wrong?. Tv Personality Hellen Muthoni Laments Lacking Husband

TV Personality and Radio presenter Hellen Muthoni has lamented lacking a husband since she has been waiting for long. The celebrated artist went as far as writing on her Facebook wall wanting her fans to advice her on what she has been doing wrong. Muthoni seemed frustrated. The Inooro Tv Sunday Morning show host(Rurumuka) has been single now for a long time and most of her fans believed she has been dating her co-host DJ Covenant until she came clean to oppose.

kenya lockdown

5 Counties Put Under Lockdown. Curfew To Start From 8pm to 10am. Nairobi Included.

5 counties have now been put under lock-down. These includes Nairobi, Kajiado, Nakuru, Machakos and Kiambu. This will be effective from Saturday 27th 2020. The cessation of movement must be strictly adhered to and only essential services will be excepted. The five counties is said to be hot spots for Covid-19 infections and has reported the highest cases since third wave. The country has recorded the highest cases since Corona Virus hit the country in March 2020

bishop mercy waciama death

Bishop Mercy Wa Ciama To Be Laid To Rest On 22nd At Murang’a. The Bill Is 2 Million.

Bishop Mercy Wa Ciama will now be laid to rest on March 23. According to a statement by her family, the burial ceremony will take place at Kagunduini Polytechnic ground in Murang’a county. Wa Ciama will be buried at his matrimonial home. The woman of God died on 16th March after contracting Covid-19. She was taken to Murang’a referral hospital on Saturday 14 March with breathing difficulties