Listen to Relax FM Online Radio Playing All your Favorite Hits

Nairobi 103.0

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these session we play only the top 100 tracks from the charts of Relax 103 FM according to the past 1 week, we play 2 tracks fro each album according to 10 albums played on Relax 103 FM in the past 6 days. we also play the top 10 most…

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Good entertaining talks accompanied by good music to keep your spirit high. Jokes that will leave your mouth smiling all time. its every Monday to Friday from 3 pm to 5pm. best music of all the time. From the traffic to home, we are keeping you entertained. you can as…

how to make your own beats

Step By Step On How to Make Your Own Beats At Home And Record Super Vocals.

This is one of the best times in history to be living if you’re a musician or someone that wants to make music. Why?

Well, there are lots of resources that exist, both online and offline, to show and teach you how to make your own music, beats, or instrumentals. And there are even more ways to turn that into a way to make an extra income, full-time or part-time income (yes, you can). Isn’t that exciting?